Homework time: a continuation of the Goodfellas storyboard from the other day. Â If you want to follow along:Â kid appears before judge; mob lawyer flashes judge a look; kid walks free; De Niro slips kid some cash for a job well done in not ratting out the others; De Niro and kid exit courtroom into welcoming arms of mob boss Paul Sorvino and his cadre of ne’er-do-wells. Â (Followed by the next establishing shot of the Idlewild [later JFK] airport.)
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no comments | tags: environment, figure, fine line pen, head, perspective, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Observed
Just started a new class in storyboarding this evening. Â Did these as part of an exercise in class, quickly sketching frames from the beginning of Goodfellas. Â Not my kind of movie — but certainly good for sketching practice. Â That Scorsese fellow knows a thing or two about shooting films. Â Take it from me, that guy’s gonna be big.
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1 comment | tags: environment, figure, fine line pen, head, storyboard | posted in Observed

At work, I’ve returned to the animation project I was working on, and have been sketching a few more storyboard frames. Â Here, the orbiter comes back to Earth, to drop off a sample of material collected on Mars. Â Of course, the drawing is nothing special, but the accomplishment it represents sure would be something.
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no comments | tags: environment, graphite, object, pencil, perspective, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Imagined
This is another quick sketch from the storyboard collection I’ve been doing at work.  The idea here is that rock samples would get collected from Mars, and then be put in a little rocket and sent back to Earth.  So here, a recovery team converges on the re-entry capsule, which has touched down somewhere out in the middle of nowhere.
Of course, the real deal would probably be more involved than four dudes in a pickup truck — but I’ll let someone else figure out that part. Â And the whole part where samples are collected. Â And that bit with the automated rocket launch from the surface of a planet millions of miles away. Â I’ll just stick with the pencil sketches.
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no comments | tags: environment, graphite, pencil, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Imagined

If you’ll permit me one more post of these: here are a couple more storyboard frames from my work project. Â Of course, these only barely qualify as sketches. Â But since I was focused on doing a bunch of these today, I figured I’d grab a couple to post.
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no comments | tags: graphite, pencil, storyboard | posted in Imagined
I’ve been sketching a lot of these storyboard illustrations at work, and so I figured I could just use one of them for the daily post. Â Unfortunately, I realized that the rover pictured here is also based on some drawings that may or may not be public. Â I did several of these today, but nothing else, so a redacted version will have to do.
P.S. Sorry to “play with your heart,” get “lost in the game,” etc.
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no comments | tags: graphite, object, pencil, perspective, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Imagined

That is to say, invaders of Mars, not invaders from Mars. I’m starting to do some preliminary storyboard sketches at work for a new animation of a future series of proposed Mars missions. These first few are based on some existing work, but I’m going to have to start inventing stuff soon. Also, these early frames probably don’t make a lot of sense to the outside viewer, but some of the ones to come might.
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no comments | tags: graphite, object, pencil, perspective, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Observed