Jan 6 2011

#298 – The contest continues…


The corporate sellers of this house have countered again.  I’m running out of visual metaphors here.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

P.S. Yes, that’s a hint of pregnancy belly showing on my wife.

Jan 5 2011

#297 – Ball’s in your court


The sellers have countered, and now we return the volley.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 4 2011

#296 – Balancing act


We’ve submitted an offer on a house, and now comes the counter offer.  We’ll see how this works out.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 3 2011

#295 – Back to the salt mines

Back to the salt minesAfter 11 days away from work, that January 3rd alarm clock comes pretty painfully early.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 1 2011

#293 – Jolly Good Fellow

Jolly good fellowWent to a surprise party tonight for a friend who has just finished law school like a champ.  I can’t imagine putting myself through something like that.  So cheers, Jason — enjoy that well-deserved drink!  Oh, and then the months of agonizing bar prep…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Dec 28 2010

#289 – Accidental inspiration?

Long hair

I did this little charcoal drawing of a long-haired girl inspired by another Flickr photo.  I made a few modifications in the course of drawing it, and then realized it kind of looks like a friend of mine.  Anyway, it’s pretty simple, but I like how it turned out.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Dec 24 2010

#285 – Achievement Unlocked!

Falling an oakCut down a tree for the first time today.  Gotta admit, that was pretty cool.  We’re up in the mountains for a woodcutting fundraiser held by the parents of a good friend.  The big woodcut is on Sunday, but today we needed to harvest another couple of their trees in order to have enough to work with.  It does make me think though: probably “plant a tree” should be the next achievement unlocked.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Dec 22 2010

#283 – And the Darwin Award goes to…

Darwin AwardsI had to clear out a blocked downspout to keep up with all the rain we’ve been getting.  Today’s sketch celebrates my in-hindsight-super-idiotic decision to go up on the roof  in a thunderstorm carrying a 10-foot metal pole.  Thankfully, the worst case scenario depicted here didn’t actually play out.  I live to sketch another day!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Dec 20 2010

#281 – Life changing

UltrasoundSince my wife has officially made the announcement now, I can sketch freely about what’s been on my mind.  And mostly, it’s been this.  (In fact, the last five sketches have been about this new development in one way or another.)

This is drawn from another image (of course), but still I think the process of sketching this has made the whole thing more real than anything else.  More than seeing the ultrasound.  More than hearing the heartbeat.  More than telling family and friends.  As I pulled a simple charcoal curve to outline the head, it truly clicked.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Dec 11 2010

#272 – Places to be

Places to beSwitching it up today with a white charcoal drawing.  This was inspired by a scene in The Day of the Jackal, which I was watching earlier this evening.

[Comments and critique always welcome]