May 30 2010

#77 – Killing, or dying?

ComedianAnother sketch based on a magazine photo.  This was in honor of last night’s stand-up comedy challenge, an annual event put on by a friend of mine.  Stand-up is a truly bizarre medium — and I have to respect those who are able to do it well.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 29 2010

#76 – Urban Hipster Weirdo

Urban hipster weirdo

Another quick little pen sketch, with body posture based on a magazine photo. Somewhere along the way, I must have decided this guy needed an awkward beard, horn-rimmed glasses, and a mildly disaffected expression. Worked out to be sort of a hipster trifecta.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 28 2010

#75 – “No one will go to the dance with me!” *sob*

Male figureAnother charcoal sketch from one of Art Center’s figure drawing workshops.  I just like how this pose looks like the guy is crying into his pillow.  Hey buddy — next time try wearing pants.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 27 2010

#74 – Drinkin’ with the Oldies

OldiesI don’t use pen enough — so I figured I’d do a quick pen drawing.  This is really loose and sketchy — in fact, I need to hold back from trying to refine pen lines so much.  Anyway, this is based on an old photo of my wife’s grandmother stepping out with friends some time in the 40s.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 26 2010

#73 – Jeff Bezos got nuthin’ on this

Amazon women

Quick sketches of an Amazon warrior (the “sexy dame” kind, not this kind).  These are actually little exploratory concepts for another NASA/JPL project, believe it or not.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 24 2010

#71 – Hyperdramatic self-pity

Digital self portraitThis is the self-portrait concept I did for class (based on Sketches #65 & #70).  It ended up being a lot more pathetic-looking than originally intended.  I wasn’t trying to be such a sad sack — just trying to illustrate the occasional frustration with creative blocks and/or not being artistically proficient enough to execute my concepts the way I want to.

But enough whining.  The only thing that will fix that is more sketching…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 23 2010

#70 – The competition

IllustratorsDrew these as part of the same assignment from Sketch #65.  I’ll be working on the integrated digital version for class tomorrow.  Stay tuned…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 19 2010

#66 – Shapely friends

Wall photo armatures

It’s been a while since I did any figure drawing, and I really need practice.  Also, I really needed something quick to sketch tonight after a long day.  These are just from various photos we have on the wall at home.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 18 2010

#65 – The nightly ritual

Self-portrait sketchingNeed to start doing this earlier so I’m not so tired.  This is something I started for a class assignment this week — maybe I can post the finished product if it turns out all right.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 12 2010

#59 – A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


…and as an adult with a continuing habit.

[Comments and critique always welcome]