Aug 6 2010

#145 – Lonelygirl1

Lonelygirl1It looks like this lovelorn girl is sitting by herself at the edge of a river or something.  In reality, she’s a drawing model checking her phone during a break.  Mystique ruined!

Anyway, I quite like this drawing for some reason.  I think it’s because all too often I look back at my sketches at see one or two (or more) marks that I wish I could take back.  But these I’m all pretty happy with.  For a two- or three-minute charcoal sketch, I think it works pretty well.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 5 2010

#144 – Brand loyalty

Canon PowerShot SD870Another soulless product illustration!  Sorry, I wasn’t feeling particularly creative tonight, so we’re left with another “nearest object” sketch.  But it’s all good practice.  Plus, even though it’s a dinky pocket-cam, it’s still a Canon.  So perhaps Ben and Sean can forgive my earlier indiscretion.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 4 2010

#143 – Mrs. Sketch 365

Mrs. Sketch 365A quick little charcoal illustration of my favorite person.  She too has started her own daily creative endeavor — driven by a beautiful concept that puts my little personal project to shame!  Read about its beginnings right over here.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 3 2010

#142 – Ramses-san

Great skills

This is another sketch from a figure drawing workshop.  I’m not at all happy with it, but when you’re sketching on only about three hours of sleep, that’s what you end up with: famed martial arts master “Stumpy-Armed Yul Brynner.”

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 2 2010

#141 – The homecoming

The homecomingThis is another quick sketch from the storyboard collection I’ve been doing at work.  The idea here is that rock samples would get collected from Mars, and then be put in a little rocket and sent back to Earth.  So here, a recovery team converges on the re-entry capsule, which has touched down somewhere out in the middle of nowhere.

Of course, the real deal would probably be more involved than four dudes in a pickup truck — but I’ll let someone else figure out that part.  And the whole part where samples are collected.  And that bit with the automated rocket launch from the surface of a planet millions of miles away.  I’ll just stick with the pencil sketches.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 1 2010

#140 – The art library

4 GBThis is how all of Sketch 365 (and then some) fits on my keychain.  Hello, the future!  Now make with the hoverboard.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 31 2010

#139 – Branching out


This is the evolution of another little graphic idea for the web (commissioned by the lovely Mrs. Sketch 365).  And yes, I realize I’m pandering to my female readers with my recent posts of flowery branches, muscular shirtless men, and of course, Vanilla Ice.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 30 2010

#138 – Army men

Army man 1

Army man 2

For some reason I was neglecting charcoal in the past month or so.  But getting back to it yesterday and today has been good.  It really forces you to draw in a totally different way, and I love that.  Here are a couple different angles from another figure drawing workshop.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 29 2010

#137 – To The Extreme

The sensitive MC1) Go to figure drawing workshop.
2) Draw five-minute head sketch from model.
3) Realize drawing looks kind of like the legendary Robert Van Winkle.
4) Complete the effect with stylish fade lines in hair.
5) Auction masterpiece for millions.

P.S. I’d like to believe that Robert Van Winkle is a household name for anyone reading this.  But just in case…

[Comments and critique — and opening bids — always welcome]

Jul 28 2010

#136 – Let me hear you say…

Bananas“This sketch! is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!”

(This reference! is archaic! And-to-an-atrocious-song!)

[Comments and critique always welcome]