Part 3 of the “people in enviroments” series for class. Â It’s interesting how these ideas are all totally independent from one another, and yet seem connected when I look back at them. Â Here, for example: Â concern about the phone call vs. concern about the lack of phone calls, and trying to get in vs. trying to get out.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
no comments | tags: environment, figure, fine line pen, foreshortening, head, perspective | posted in Imagined
Part 2 of the 30 sketches I started yesterday. Â Again, the ones in this group seem to all have something in common (namely symmetrical hand placement).
I don’t know where most of these ideas originated. Â Except the bottom left one — that I remember: Â while I was sketching, iTunes landed on “The Girl From Ipanema.”
[Comments and critique always welcome]
no comments | tags: environment, figure, fine line pen, hand, head, perspective, vehicle | posted in Imagined
Working on a series of drawings for class. Â The assignment: 30 different scenes of people in environments, hopefully with some sort of emotional element to them. Â Seems the first two had an accidental theme develop.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
no comments | tags: environment, figure, fine line pen, head, perspective | posted in Imagined
Homework time: a continuation of the Goodfellas storyboard from the other day. Â If you want to follow along:Â kid appears before judge; mob lawyer flashes judge a look; kid walks free; De Niro slips kid some cash for a job well done in not ratting out the others; De Niro and kid exit courtroom into welcoming arms of mob boss Paul Sorvino and his cadre of ne’er-do-wells. Â (Followed by the next establishing shot of the Idlewild [later JFK] airport.)
[Comments and critique always welcome]
no comments | tags: environment, figure, fine line pen, head, perspective, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Observed
Well, after a very stressful week of inspections and discussions with the city permit office, I uncovered some very helpful information today about our escrow property. Â Information that convinces me to run in the opposite direction, before an earthquake knocks that sketchily propped-up house off its cracked and half-sunken foundation. Â Turns out there’s a pretty significant reason for those level discrepancies I mentioned earlier.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
3 comments | tags: figure, head, object, perspective, self-portrait | posted in Imagined
Just started a new class in storyboarding this evening. Â Did these as part of an exercise in class, quickly sketching frames from the beginning of Goodfellas. Â Not my kind of movie — but certainly good for sketching practice. Â That Scorsese fellow knows a thing or two about shooting films. Â Take it from me, that guy’s gonna be big.
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1 comment | tags: environment, figure, fine line pen, head, storyboard | posted in Observed
Good old Friday evening. Â Never disappoints.
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no comments | tags: figure, graphite, pencil | posted in Observed
There’s nothing to make you feel like a sad, sorry old man than the experience of pulling a muscle in your back while straining to open a particularly tight jar.
Not that such a thing happened to me today. Â Purely theoretical.
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1 comment | tags: charcoal, figure, self-portrait | posted in Observed
When sketch time came around today, I was listening to Daft Punk’s Tron Legacy soundtrack. The choice was clear.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
P.S. I’ve just realized that quite a few of these 365 sketches feature helmets of various kinds (full list here). Could it be because helmets are awesome?
3 comments | tags: black paper, charcoal, figure, helmet | posted in Observed
I don’t know why it’s taken so long, but I finally got around to watching In the Shadow of the Moon today. Â A great piece of documentary filmmaking.
I guess in a way this is a companion piece to yesterday’s sketch: Â science fiction vs. science fact.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
P.S. Yes, I believe they actually did it.
2 comments | tags: environment, figure, fine line pen, helmet, object | posted in Observed