Nov 21 2010

#252 – Grizzly, Man!

Bear punchHad my grandmother in town for a visit, and we spent the day doing lots of grandma type things (botanical gardens, tea, etc.).  As enjoyable as it was, at the end I felt like I needed to do something uniquely masculine to balance it all out.  Unfortunately, there were no grizzly bears around that I could punch in the face, so I had to settle for sketching it.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 18 2010

#249 – Wild Things

Wild ThingsDrew this tonight after watching Spike Jonze’s adaptation of “Where the Wild Things Are.”

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 16 2010

#247 – In a slump

SlumpDropped in at another figure drawing workshop for a while this evening.  I’m so rusty though, that all my drawings were really weak.  Of all the model’s poses, this one seemed to fit best.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 12 2010

#243 – En garde

FencingSaw a great collection of photos today from the 2010 World Fencing Championships.  I thought the energy in the poses was really cool, so I started doing really basic versions of them for practice.  As I drew more and more of them, I decided to arrange them into a basic narrative.  (Sketches are based on Reuters and AFP photos by Jacky Naegelen, Franck Fife, Bertrand Langlois and Francois Mori — all available here.)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 9 2010

#240 – Up on a pedestal

Model on stoolThis evening I dropped by one of Art Center’s figure drawing workshops for the first time in several weeks.  Amazing how rusty you can get so quickly.  Anyway, this session was with a larger model, and on this particular pose I had an weird, unflattering viewing angle, so I tried composing the sketch in a different way.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 7 2010

#238 – More bounce to the ounce


In the autumn a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of bouncing around like a giddy 6-year-old.  And so was spent a portion of my afternoon.  (With summer gone, today my cousin set up the trampoline in his backyard, in the spot where the inflatable pool had sat all summer.  And there was much rejoicing.  Including some by his kids.)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 6 2010

#237 – Hit parade

Hit parade (top half)I didn’t know what to draw tonight, but with iTunes running in the background, I struck on an idea.  I arranged all my songs by duration, and started playing all the one-minute tracks back to back.  Then I drew something associated with each track while it played.  An interesting exercise for several reasons:

  • I was required to not only draw in 60 seconds, but also to listen to the song, pick an aspect of it, conceptualize an image for it, execute the drawing, and finally caption it.  Lots to think about.  Some drawings didn’t get finished (“the merry peasant,” for example).
  • There was no time to go back and start again once the drawing had begun.  Even if it was going really badly (e.g. “serpent”) I just had to keep pressing forward.
  • It forced me to pull stuff from my brain, rather than look up a reference image (which I probably would have done for several things like the lute and violin).

Trying to keep that pace was actually a lot of fun.  Before I knew it, I had spent the better part of an hour at it.  Click through to see all 45 mini-sketches representing songs ranging from 1:00 to 1:07.  Images are based on things like artist, song title, featured instrument, associated lyric, etc.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 5 2010

#236 – Checks & balances

Three branchesI was out this evening for happy hour with my teacher wife and one of her teacher friends.  Conversation, as it so often does, turned toward teacher-y things.  Like a particular student’s difficulty grasping the three branches of the American government.  That got me sketching in order to kill time.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 4 2010

#235 – Le “Roi” Est Mort

Smooth CriminalLove him or hate him, this guy was unarguably a tremendous talent.  I drew this tonight after watching the tragically fascinating “This Is It.”

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 3 2010

#234 – Le peloton

PelotonA very simple sketch this evening, since I’ve got a painfully early morning tomorrow.  This was inspired by a group of riders who crossed my path on the way home from work today.

[Comments and critique always welcome]