Aug 17 2010

#156 – Yet another mirror portrait

Yet another mirror portraitI know, you’re probably getting sick of these by now.  But here’s me again, super-muscular, with my back turned to the mirror.  Quite an amazing feat for me to draw myself that way.  And to shave my head that cleanly.  And to build all that muscle mass…

I fear my ruse is beginning to unravel.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 10 2010

#149 – From head to toes


So I dropped in again at the tail end of a figure drawing workshop.  I came in time to draw the last pose, a 25-minute one.  Unfortunately, on a kind of “off” day and without any warmup, it just really went badly.  I was doing it as a head drawing and it just wasn’t working.  So after battling it for quite a while, I finally gave up and used the last couple of minutes to do this instead.  This is nothing great, but the difference between it and the other is vast, believe me.  The other was so repellent I actually had to throw it away — breaking a rule I had kind of set for myself.

So far in this project, I’ve kept everything I’ve drawn, even if I didn’t like it and it didn’t end up as the post for that day.  I wanted to be able to go back and track progress using all my drawings.  But when I looked again later at the botched head drawing, I was sure I never wanted to see it again.  And now you too can be thankful that you’ll never be plagued with its horror!  (Now if only that were the case for the May 22 entry!)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 7 2010

#146 – Yarrabin

YarrabinMy aunt is passing through town this weekend, and brings with her more great photos from my grandmother in Australia.  The writing on the back of this photo says that my aunt, mother and grandfather are baling hay on the family farm — but I think it’s clear who’s doing most of the work…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 6 2010

#145 – Lonelygirl1

Lonelygirl1It looks like this lovelorn girl is sitting by herself at the edge of a river or something.  In reality, she’s a drawing model checking her phone during a break.  Mystique ruined!

Anyway, I quite like this drawing for some reason.  I think it’s because all too often I look back at my sketches at see one or two (or more) marks that I wish I could take back.  But these I’m all pretty happy with.  For a two- or three-minute charcoal sketch, I think it works pretty well.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 3 2010

#142 – Ramses-san

Great skills

This is another sketch from a figure drawing workshop.  I’m not at all happy with it, but when you’re sketching on only about three hours of sleep, that’s what you end up with: famed martial arts master “Stumpy-Armed Yul Brynner.”

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 30 2010

#138 – Army men

Army man 1

Army man 2

For some reason I was neglecting charcoal in the past month or so.  But getting back to it yesterday and today has been good.  It really forces you to draw in a totally different way, and I love that.  Here are a couple different angles from another figure drawing workshop.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 25 2010

#133 – The face of neuroscience

NeuroscientistI know someone who’s going to be huge in brain resarch.  And I’ll always be able to say, “I knew her when…”

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 23 2010

#131 – Laura Linear

Straight linesTried something different with this one — drawing only with straight lines.  Kind of an interesting method; I think I’ll try it again in the future.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 21 2010

#129 – Biff! Pow! Sock!

Biff! Pow! Sock!Saw this photo of a couple of friends of mine and couldn’t resist it.   Not to worry, this fight is only about as serious as an Adam West/Cesar Romero matchup.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 15 2010

#123 – “Stick” figure

Stick figureI was having a really off day at figure drawing.  I only caught the tail end of today’s workshop, so I missed the brief warm-up poses at the beginning.  So after I botched a few drawings, there were only a few minutes left, and the guy running the workshop had the model do a bunch of quick 60-second gestural poses.  It’s definitely where I should have started.  Not that these are great — it’s just that they’re necessary.

[Comments and critique always welcome]