May 21 2010

#68 – South of the Borders

BordersHad just a few minutes to sketch before happy hour.  This is the Borders bookstore in Glendale (shown here at night).

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 20 2010

#67 – More stinking badges

More badges

Another little bunch of icons I’m creating for work.  These are connected to Sketch #44 — more spacenerd stuff.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 19 2010

#66 – Shapely friends

Wall photo armatures

It’s been a while since I did any figure drawing, and I really need practice.  Also, I really needed something quick to sketch tonight after a long day.  These are just from various photos we have on the wall at home.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 18 2010

#65 – The nightly ritual

Self-portrait sketchingNeed to start doing this earlier so I’m not so tired.  This is something I started for a class assignment this week — maybe I can post the finished product if it turns out all right.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 17 2010

#64 – Vintage sword/steering wheel/trampoline

N64 controllerNow available in Hyrule Market for only 1000 rupees!

(Couldn’t resist this one after Sketch #62.)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 16 2010

#63 – It slices! It dices! Well, it slices anyway.

Bread knifeFinished a long day of work without much energy left for drawing, so I just grabbed a bread knife for a simple sketch.  I definitely overdid it on the serrations though; this thing looks like it could cut bone.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 15 2010

#62 – A Link to the Past

SNES controllerThis thing is 20 years old this year!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 14 2010

#61 – Helter Sketcher

Beatles albums

This was a fun set, if a little messy.  I did all of these as one-inch squares, which — surprise, surprise — turns out to be kind of limiting.  It’s a bit tricky fitting 70 or so people onto a one-inch Sgt. Pepper’s cover.

I also used a prisma pencil, which means I couldn’t erase anything.  So of course there are several things I wish I could change.  But hey, it’s only sketching.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 13 2010

#60 – We Bring Odd Things to Life.

Electric chord organ

A great thrift store find from several years back.  This fan-driven wonder emits an unholy honk with every key (after a split-second delay, of course).  Or if you listen to the manufacturers:

“Everyone wants a turn when you have a GE Electric Chord Organ in the house! Color-coded music book comes with it. It’ll have you playing chords and melodies in no time at all! Pleasant start to a musical education…for everyone!”

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 12 2010

#59 – A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


…and as an adult with a continuing habit.

[Comments and critique always welcome]