Jan 21 2011

#313 – Welcome, weekend.

Welcome, weekendGood old Friday evening.  Never disappoints.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 20 2011

#312 – Might wanna get that looked at.

Blond boy

Just a little doodle at the end of the day.  I don’t know what happened to that one earlobe, but it kind of looks like I fell asleep a little while drawing.  Wouldn’t be the first time.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 19 2011

#311 – Folk’s wagon

VW bus

Don’t remember where the idea to draw this came from.  Must have been subconsciously planning for the year ahead, and the possible purchase of a stylish and super-safe family car.  Yeah.  That must have been it.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 18 2011

#310 – Shoulder inspection

ShoulderNo, this is not, as you might suspect, a come-hither look.  She’s examining a bizarre skin condition on her shoulder.  Don’t worry: she later learns that it’s nothing serious.

Probably the most compelling sketch backstory I’ve ever written.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 17 2011

#309 – The Humbling

The HumblingThere’s nothing to make you feel like a sad, sorry old man than the experience of pulling a muscle in your back while straining to open a particularly tight jar.

Not that such a thing happened to me today.  Purely theoretical.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 16 2011

#308 – Scott’s Monkey Trial

Monkey 1

Monkey 2

Monkey 3

I recently watched an interesting presentation about creativity.  Within it is a creative exercise that challenges you to: a) imagine a picture of a bear; b) think of a different bear; c) dig deeper and attempt to conjure a third visual of a bear.  It gets increasingly difficult, but also requires creative thinking.

Anyway, I was thinking about that when I drew these.  I took the idea pretty literally and tried to come up with three different ways of drawing something.  In this case, I substituted the bear with a monkey (something that I’ve long been terrible at drawing from imagination).  It was an interesting challenge.  Later I noticed that my monkeys got progressively happier and more active.  I guess that’s a good sign?

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 15 2011

#307 – Down in flames

Down in flamesNot a great night for the Atlanta Falcons.  Doodled this after watching the game tonight.  Better luck next year, gents.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 14 2011

#306 – Accidental composition


So I did the quick sketch of the flask, didn’t really like it, and flipped the page.  Did the even quicker sketch of the forlorn mountain man, didn’t really like it, and flipped the page.  Then I went back and looked at the two together.  Something seemed to match up, so I figured Photoshop should bring them together.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 13 2011

#305 – Face time

Face time
After the helmet question from yesterday’s sketch, I figured some actual faces were in order.  So I just drew a few different versions, inspired by various photos.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jan 12 2011

#304 – Robot Rock

Daft PunkWhen sketch time came around today, I was listening to Daft Punk’s Tron Legacy soundtrack.  The choice was clear.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

P.S.  I’ve just realized that quite a few of these 365 sketches feature helmets of various kinds (full list here).  Could it be because helmets are awesome?