So here’s the full story behind yesterday’s sketch. Â The assignment was to create a storyboard of about 15 frames to tell the story of my trip from home to school. Â The instructor said that if it wasn’t a particularly dramatic story, we were free to embellish a little. Â That was all the permission I needed.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
no comments | tags: environment, figure, graphite, helmet, perspective, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Imagined
Another little project for class: this is the final frame of a little storyboard I’m working on. Â More on this tomorrow!
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no comments | tags: environment, figure, graphite, helmet, object, pencil, perspective, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Imagined
When sketch time came around today, I was listening to Daft Punk’s Tron Legacy soundtrack. The choice was clear.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
P.S. I’ve just realized that quite a few of these 365 sketches feature helmets of various kinds (full list here). Could it be because helmets are awesome?
3 comments | tags: black paper, charcoal, figure, helmet | posted in Observed
After watching the BCS title game tonight, I drew this as a tribute to Auburn’s win over Oregon. Â I’d considered drawing something based on the mascots — something more needlessly visceral, like a tiger actually devouring a duck — but this was just a lot quicker and easier.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
no comments | tags: charcoal, helmet, object, perspective | posted in Observed
I don’t know why it’s taken so long, but I finally got around to watching In the Shadow of the Moon today. Â A great piece of documentary filmmaking.
I guess in a way this is a companion piece to yesterday’s sketch: Â science fiction vs. science fact.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
P.S. Yes, I believe they actually did it.
2 comments | tags: environment, figure, fine line pen, helmet, object | posted in Observed
Did this one as a counterpart to last week’s “Back in Black” sketch. Â Just a little tribute to everyone’s favorite bumbling footsoldiers.
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no comments | tags: charcoal, helmet, object | posted in Observed

Returning to the black paper stock for today’s sinister sketch.
Today was my last day of a nice 11-day break from work. Â So did I go out and do something adventurous? Â Of course not. Â I got together with a couple of friends and watched a back-to-back-to-back triple feature of Star Wars Episodes 4, 5 & 6. Â A good time. Â So here’s little tribute to the role so big it required three actors. Â And a stunt double. Â And later, apparently a little kid. Â And a petulant-sounding twentysomething. Â But let’s try not to think about those last two.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
P.S. This sketch is based on a common photo found online — one for which I can’t find any copyright info.
2 comments | tags: black paper, character, charcoal, helmet, object | posted in Observed
This was done in honor of the USC/UCLA game I spent forever trying (and failing) to find on TV tonight. Â Should’ve snatched up my cousin’s extra ticket when I had the chance. Â Oh well. Â At least we won!
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no comments | tags: charcoal, figure, helmet | posted in Observed
As I was heading in to work today, I rounded a corner and suddenly met a yappy little dog making a bee-line for my front wheel. Â It’s lucky it wasn’t a cat, or I might not have been motivated to be quite so responsive with the brakes. Â (Kidding! Â Sort of!)
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no comments | tags: animal, environment, figure, graphite, helmet, object, pencil, self-portrait, vehicle | posted in Imagined
This is the last thing that bee saw this morning before I tore him to pieces with my bare neck. Â Oh sure, Bee — you got a little sting in there, but you are now most unarguably dead, AND I EMERGE THE VICTOR!!
Next time try picking on someone your own size.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
1 comment | tags: graphite, head, helmet, pencil, self-portrait | posted in Observed