Jul 19 2010

#127 – Need input

Rover eyesThis time, no redacted image!  Today at work, I was doing storyboards again for this future Mars mission — and here’s a frame I can actually show.  This is a made-up closeup of the rover’s main cameras, which sit on top of a rotating mast.  (In the real world, it would look something like this.)  What I’m trying to do in these storyboards is to give a little bit of personality to this robot.  And hey, if you’re gonna do that, why not borrow from one of the classics?

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 17 2010

#125 – El león

PedroFound this guy a few years back, either at a garage sale, or a thrift store or something.  All I remember is that I had to get him because the character design was so cool.  The actual toy is much cooler than the drawing; I love the fabric and color choices.  (Here he is in real life, for comparison.)  Somewhere along the way, I decided he looked like a Pedro — and the name stuck.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 15 2010

#123 – “Stick” figure

Stick figureI was having a really off day at figure drawing.  I only caught the tail end of today’s workshop, so I missed the brief warm-up poses at the beginning.  So after I botched a few drawings, there were only a few minutes left, and the guy running the workshop had the model do a bunch of quick 60-second gestural poses.  It’s definitely where I should have started.  Not that these are great — it’s just that they’re necessary.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 14 2010

#122 – Breathing rarefied air

Proud blue womanAnother sketch from a figure drawing workshop.  The angle I was viewing from made for big nostrils and a very snooty-looking pose.  Also, there’s a lot of stray marks on this one from the setup and refinement process.  But of the three sketches I did of this model, one looked like Frida Kahlo, one looked like a manly Aztec, and then this was the third.  I think it’ll do for today.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 13 2010

#121 – Oops, I Did It Again.

Another redacted roverI’ve been sketching a lot of these storyboard illustrations at work, and so I figured I could just use one of them for the daily post.  Unfortunately, I realized that the rover pictured here is also based on some drawings that may or may not be public.  I did several of these today, but nothing else, so a redacted version will have to do.

P.S. Sorry to “play with your heart,” get “lost in the game,” etc.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 11 2010

#119 – Music, Markstro, Please!

Apple headphones

Got a sneak preview tonight of another upcoming creativity project — one that required me to break these out.  I like what I’m hearing, and hopefully before long you’ll see it appearing in the list of links on the right…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 9 2010

#117 – Martian invaders

Storyboard composite

That is to say, invaders of Mars, not invaders from Mars.  I’m starting to do some preliminary storyboard sketches at work for a new animation of a future series of proposed Mars missions.  These first few are based on some existing work, but I’m going to have to start inventing stuff soon.  Also, these early frames probably don’t make a lot of sense to the outside viewer, but some of the ones to come might.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 8 2010

#116 – Hey, Progress!

Redhead 2So this is kind of cool…

I’ve been stopping in at Art Center’s regular figure drawing workshops this week, since I’ve had a bit of time after work.  Today, they had booked a model I’ve never seen before, with extremely red hair.  So this was the sketch of her today.  Then I realized it seemed kind of familiar.  About a month ago, I posted “Hey, Carrots!“, a sketch of a different redheaded model, but in a similar pose, and drawn with the same pencil.  And even though today’s sketch isn’t fantastic, I can definitely see that it’s a bit more mature than the previous one.  This is the closest thing I’ve had to an even comparison — and I have to say, it’s cool to see a little bit of improvement.

[Cue someone’s inevitable comment: “I actually like the other one better.”]

Jul 6 2010

#114 – Get that man a tissue.

Deep in thoughtStopped in at another figure drawing workshop.  This guy was striking a sort of contemplative pose, which ended up looking a bit like blowing his nose into his hands…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 4 2010

#112 – MIssed opportuniTY

Mai taiI have failed you, loyal reader.  Sure, I drew a cool, refreshing mai tai — but did I complete the pun hat trick by also sketching “my tie” and “muay thai?”  I did not.  And now it’s too late.  I leave Hawaii in disgrace.

[Comments and critique always welcome]