Oct 15 2010

#215 – Cut your losses

EdselSo this was just based on a random photo I found on Flickr.  Had a bit of trouble with the figure in this drawing.  I kept erasing bits, modifying the proportions and so on, but it kept not working right.  Eventually, I realized I had to erase her completely and start again from scratch.  How appropriate, it then seemed, that she should be standing in front of an Edsel…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 14 2010

#214 – Heracles Hulme

StrongmanWent to the gym for about 45 mins today.  So now I pretty much look like this.

And yes, I will be entertaining offers from any reputable sideshow organizers.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 13 2010

#213 – Unhappy Hamachi

Not cool, manWent out for sushi at lunch.  Did not make any friends in the piscine community.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 12 2010

#212 – Enter Manxman

Enter ManxmanOn the Isle on Man, they are bred for one thing and one thing only:  rock.

(Based on a photo by the great Jen Glen.)

[Comment and critique always welcome]

Oct 11 2010

#211 – Special Delivery

Earth approach

At work, I’ve returned to the animation project I was working on, and have been sketching a few more storyboard frames.  Here, the orbiter comes back to Earth, to drop off a sample of material collected on Mars.  Of course, the drawing is nothing special, but the accomplishment it represents sure would be something.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 10 2010

#210 – All caught up!

All caught upTwitter followers had to sift through about a dozen posts today as I caught up from my recent trip.  But we’re back on track now — and in the 200s already!  Thanks, everyone, for all your support!

(And yes, I realize this is another bizarre, inaccurate, and borderline creepy self-portrait.  Thankfully, I’ve still got 150+ chances to try again…)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 9 2010

#209 – “A dirty little secret”

BrainHad a discussion with a friend today about the tremendous capacity of the human mind.  When I sat down this evening to sketch something, that’s what I was thinking of.  So I drew this based on a photo online.  But the longer I sat drawing this physical object, the more insufficient it seemed to represent the concept.  It reminded me of this quote from UPenn psych professor Stephen Morse: “Here’s a dirty little secret: We have no idea how the brain enables the mind.”  (More on that notion here.)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 8 2010

#208 – Pageant of the Just-Plain-Mundane

LaundryBoy, if yesterday sketch-from-life wasn’t ho-hum enough, this one sure is.   After two weeks of travel, and one of avoidance, I spent much of my day off tending to five loads of laundry.  Thrilling stuff, eh?

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 7 2010

#207 – Better Letter 1

OptometristWent in for an eye test today.  Can you tell yet that we’re done with the European travels and back to mundane life?  Anyway, it was off to the optometrist.  I always enjoy donning the evil, all-seeing robot mask.  And no, I don’t find that the sense of ultimate power it grants is in any way compromised by the fact that I need help using it every single time…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 6 2010

#206 – Built for Speed(o)

Starting blockJust renewed my membership at the Caltech gym, in the hopes of exercising (and especially swimming) more in the year to come.  And of course, thinking about getting back in the pool was reminding me of my high school swim team days.  But not to worry, fellow pool-goers:  I won’t be going back to the miniscule Speedo.

[Comments and critique always welcome]