Sep 23 2010

#193 – Maria Plain & Tall

Pertisau churchThe view from our hotel balcony looks out over a big open field, adjacent to which sits this church.  Not a fancy or ornate building, but when the sun hits it in the morning, it’s blindingly bright.  It also rings bells throughout the day and plays “Ave Maria” every day at 6 p.m.  Nice if you like that sort of thing, but I imagine if you lived there, the novelty would soon fade.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Sep 7 2010

#177 – Duplo duplex

Duplo duplexSo my friend and former workmate Stephenie was kind enough to leave behind a box of Duplo at work.  I figured it was time to build something and do a quick sketch of it.  So what to build with a limited amount of Duplo?  Well, this is what you get when you let the wordplay dictate the design process: a pretty ugly “Duplo duplex” (complete with cubist palm tree in the front yard)!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 24 2010

#163 – The Reel Thing

Sony BVH2000Today at work, I spent a few minutes in the TV studio making some HD dubs.  Not far from those machines is this almost-forgotten beast from back before I was born. (Sorry, Jon Hicks, if you’re reading this!)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 22 2010

#161 – This should come as no surprise…

LEGO box…but this is what stores my LEGO.  Growing up, we had a couple of tackle boxes like these packed with bricks.  My brother hung onto those, so I finally got around to buying a couple myself for the LEGO I have.  And yes, I know it’s a little reminiscent of “Gene, The Anal Retentive Carpenter” — but hey, it beats shoving it all in a giant trashbag (ahem, childhood Kelly).

What’s that?  You don’t remember that classic Phil Hartman bit?  Well, here for a limited time is one of the related sketches. Enjoy.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 19 2010

#158 – The low end

BassKinda surprised it took this long for this to show up in a sketch.  It’s a bargain basement cheapie, but it does the job.  Maybe if I played it more though, I could “outgrow” it and upgrade.  Okay, so nobody tell my wife about this little scheme…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 15 2010

#154 – Hey honey, I got “you” another present!

Flour sifterFifty days ago, I launched an ingenious plan to encourage increased local baked goods production.  I’m pleased to report that it’s been immensely successful.  So today, I enacted phase two: Operation Transcendently Fluffy Sifted Ingredients.  Yes, I’m working on a less cumbersome name.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 13 2010

#152 – The Relaxiest Catch

SailboatAh, yachting — a pastime that combines three of my very favorite things: pretension, motion sickness and Sperry Topsiders.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 9 2010

#148 – Curiouser and curiouser

CuriouserThis is a follow-on from yesterday’s drawings.  I’m currently working on an idea to develop a series of kid-friendly characters around this and future Mars rovers.  So where yesterday’s sketches were basically a simplified version of the real thing, this is the next step — finding ways to integrate basic expressions and characteristics within/around the established structure.  We’ll see how this develops…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 8 2010

#147 – Cat killer


Another few sketches for a project I’m working on.  This is the NASA’s next Mars rover, currently under construction at JPL.  Through a nationwide naming contest won by a Kansas sixth-grader, this rover has been dubbed “Curiosity.”  And with a head-mounted laser, it ought to make short work of any extraterrestrial felines.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 16 2010

#124 – Architecture of the mind

MazeJuly 16: the long-awaiting opening day of “Inception.”  After seeing the 10 a.m. showing, my wife and I were talking about it all day.  I suppose it’s not surprising then, that at the end of the day, this is the sketch that came out of my brain.

[Comments and critique always welcome]