Jul 12 2010

#120 – Tools of the trade

Tools of the tradeI was working on some more digital illustrations today; these are just a few of the things I always have around.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jun 24 2010

#102 – The Pointer Brothers

The Pointer BrothersFollowing on from yesterday’s sketch, these are a few iterations of a hand icon for a touchscreen demo video.  I was trying out a few different ways of modeling some light and shadow on there.  The last one is getting close; I’ll probably tweak it a little more in the morning and call it finished.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jun 15 2010

#93 – Modular Mars-scape

Mars outpost - version 1Taking the concept drawings from yesterday to the next level.  There are still many things I would want to do differently, but the idea starts to come together.  This would benefit from a lot more details throughout. I did have enough time to add a few details to the rovers (shown below), but overall there is a lot more time that would need to be invested in this idea.

Mars outpost - version 1 (detail)[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jun 7 2010

#85 – Good for food *and* pleasant to the eyes!

Pomegranate tree

This is part of an unfinished digital illustration assignment.  Yet to be added: serpent and upward-reaching woman.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

May 24 2010

#71 – Hyperdramatic self-pity

Digital self portraitThis is the self-portrait concept I did for class (based on Sketches #65 & #70).  It ended up being a lot more pathetic-looking than originally intended.  I wasn’t trying to be such a sad sack — just trying to illustrate the occasional frustration with creative blocks and/or not being artistically proficient enough to execute my concepts the way I want to.

But enough whining.  The only thing that will fix that is more sketching…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Apr 14 2010

#31 – Firestorm III: Final Judgment

Drill compositeOkay, seriously — last time with the drill.  This is the final assignment for the class I’m in.  Two orthographic sketches, plus one perspective sketch that’s then painted in Photoshop.

Oh, and hey, Hollywood — get to work on the “Firestorm” action trilogy.  I’ve delivered the titles, now just get one of your typewriter monkeys to churn out a script or two.

[Comments and critique always welcome]