Sep 1 2010

#171 – Dock workers

Dock workersIt’s Apple announcement day, and to celebrate here are the set of icons that rest along the bottom of one of my machines.  Identify 20 or more and you could win a super exciting prize!  If I think of one!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 30 2010

#169 – The wired world

The wired worldI’m not really happy with all of these, but I’m putting them all up because of the way the three together struck me.  Lacking any ideas of what to sketch tonight, I went on Flickr and looked at randomly picked photos from the last seven days.  When I saw one I liked, I sketched it, then did so twice more.  After a bit of research, it seems these photos (clockwise from top right) were taken by people in Italy, Greece, and I believe, Qatar.  And all posted to Flickr in the last week.  Hello, the future — you are weird.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 28 2010

#167 – Cats might be my favorite animals…

Frisky…to imagine as skeletons.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 26 2010

#165 – “Daft,” yes; “Punk,” no.

Daft StephBittersweet: it’s my good friend Stephenie’s last day at JPL, before moving on to new things.  In typically entertaining style, here she is posing in my motorcycle helmet.  We’ll miss you around here, Steph!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 23 2010

#162 – Alas, poor what’s-his-name!

SkullI knew him…sorta.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

P.S. Thanks, Steve, for loaning me the anatomy book for artists.  But if you and Mark don’t stop encouraging me and start acting more like villains, you’re going to ruin my whole narrative.

Aug 21 2010

#160 – Finger Ling-Ling Good!

PandasStopped by the always-reliable Panda Inn tonight with a bunch of friends.  We went easy on the endangered mammals, and stuck with lighter fare.  Next time though, we’re stopping here.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 18 2010

#157 – LEQO is not a word

LeqoFound this little guy in a bag of old LEGO that my wife brought into the family.  He interfaces with LEGO, but he doesn’t look like quite at home.  I’m thinking he’s a cunning imposter.  Probably something like “LEQO” brand.  Kinda like those running shoes I once saw at an Israeli street market — they had all the hottest brands, including Nyke, Adibas and Reobok.

[Comments and critique always welcome.]

Aug 12 2010

#151 – Companion sketch for #143

Quick self-portraitThis is another quick mirror sketch, similar to Sketch #87, but done with the other end of the brush pen.  I like that the drawing style is considerably more decisive than the previous version.  The eyes are stlll a bit dull, but then again, I usually don’t sparkle with vivacious energy while staring in the bathroom mirror.   Usually.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 18 2010

#126 – The loneliest carnivore

T-RexTonight was the closest I came to missing a day of sketching.  Somehow it had just slipped my mind.  Every light in the house was off, and I was headed to bed when it struck me.  So I went back to the desk for a quick sketch, and here’s what I ended up with.  I have to say, it’s certainly unique among the sketches so far…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 7 2010

#115 – Invisible doorknob

HandA quick sketch from yet another figure drawing session.  I had a bad angle on this particular pose, so I chose to focus on just the hand. It turned out okay, though I think it would benefit from some shading to push the more distant parts (index finger, top inside part of palm) a bit deeper into the page.

[Comments and critique always welcome]