More work for class. Â Leaving aside the crime story, we return to the (admittedly no less bloody) story of Siegfried and the dragon. Â That whole assignment requires three illustrations, for before, during and after the main action of the dragon-slaying. Â So while Sketch #333 was a concept for the “before” phase, this is one quick thumbnail for the “during” part. Â Again, fantasy illustration and gut-slashing are not really particular strengths or interests of mine — but an assignment is an assignment.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
no comments | tags: animal, figure, graphite, pencil, siegfried, storyboard | posted in Imagined
Still working on the storyboard for class. Â After yesterday’s sketch, we skip ahead in the story, conveniently glossing over the contents of the motel room.
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no comments | tags: figure, foreshortening, graphite, head, pencil, perspective, self-portrait, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Imagined
One of many storyboard frames from the screenplay I mentioned yesterday. Â Here, Charlie opens the door to a cheap motel room. Â I sure hope there’s no grisly discovery inside…
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Just a couple of quick character ideas for a class project.  We’re storyboarding a section of a screenplay that calls for the following: Bill, the retired cop and (spoiler alert!) dead body; Charlie, the thirtysomething family man; and Daryl, the heavyset local drunk/thug-for-hire.  It’s sure to be an upbeat, family-friendly romp.
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no comments | tags: character, graphite, head, pencil, storyboard | posted in Imagined
It finally happened. Â With only a month to go in the Sketch 365 project, I just plain forgot one. Â This is the sketch for February 13, but it was actually done on the 14th, after I woke up and immediately realized that I’d missed my sketch from the day before. Â I thought for a second about just doing an extra sketch and pretending it was from the 13th, but for some reason I couldn’t do it. Â So I went ahead with this creepy big-eyed representation of my early morning pseudo-horror. Â Actually, I’m kind of surprised this didn’t happen sooner (since I had almost forgotten so many times). Â I’m definitely bummed that I turned this one in late, but at least it’s still going to be Sketch 365.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
no comments | tags: graphite, head, pencil, self-portrait | posted in Imagined
Another unusual assignment from storyboarding class. Â We were required to illustrate a specific scene from Richard Wagner’s Nibelungen saga. Â Here, Siegfried sets out from his castle on a journey that will, before long, put him at odds with a dragon. Â It’s an unusual topic for me, and probably chosen by the instructor because the story would likely be unfamiliar to us. Â It’s certainly foreign to me — both the story, and the whole notion of doing fantasy art. Â Not the kind of thing I would ever draw of my own choosing, but still an interesting assignment. Â I’ll probably be working on a refinement of this scene, so critique is encouraged.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
2 comments | tags: animal, copic marker, environment, figure, perspective, siegfried | posted in Imagined
So here’s the full story behind yesterday’s sketch. Â The assignment was to create a storyboard of about 15 frames to tell the story of my trip from home to school. Â The instructor said that if it wasn’t a particularly dramatic story, we were free to embellish a little. Â That was all the permission I needed.
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no comments | tags: environment, figure, graphite, helmet, perspective, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Imagined
Another little project for class: this is the final frame of a little storyboard I’m working on. Â More on this tomorrow!
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no comments | tags: environment, figure, graphite, helmet, object, pencil, perspective, storyboard, vehicle | posted in Imagined
Part 5 — finishing up the assignment for class. Â (Rewind to Sketch #322 to see the whole set.) Â Again, it looks like the idea generation was not happening in a vacuum: there seems to be a lot of linkages among these as well.
So anyway, there’s 30 under the belt. Â Hey, I just got that much closer to my 10,000 drawings!
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no comments | tags: figure, graphite, hand, head, pencil, perspective | posted in Imagined
Part 4 of the 30 “people in environments” sketches for class. Â I realized I needed to pick up the pace if I’m to have these done by next class. Â Again, an odd assortment of ideas. Â Many of these spun off of conversation topics with a few friends at happy hour. Â And for several others, I have no idea (cemetary? farm workers? bird fancier? chin-up struggle?). Â Brains are weird.
[Comments and critique always welcome]
no comments | tags: environment, figure, foreshortening, graphite, head, pencil, vehicle | posted in Imagined