Feb 17 2011

#340 – Stabby, stabby!

Stabby, stabby!More work for class.  Leaving aside the crime story, we return to the (admittedly no less bloody) story of Siegfried and the dragon.  That whole assignment requires three illustrations, for before, during and after the main action of the dragon-slaying.  So while Sketch #333 was a concept for the “before” phase, this is one quick thumbnail for the “during” part.  Again, fantasy illustration and gut-slashing are not really particular strengths or interests of mine — but an assignment is an assignment.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 16 2011

#339 – A quick check

Charlie drivingStill working on the storyboard for class.  After yesterday’s sketch, we skip ahead in the story, conveniently glossing over the contents of the motel room.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 15 2011

#338 – Don’t go in there!

Charlie opens the doorOne of many storyboard frames from the screenplay I mentioned yesterday.  Here, Charlie opens the door to a cheap motel room.  I sure hope there’s no grisly discovery inside…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 14 2011

#337 – Characters welcome

Intrusion charactersJust a couple of quick character ideas for a class project.  We’re storyboarding a section of a screenplay that calls for the following: Bill, the retired cop and (spoiler alert!) dead body; Charlie, the thirtysomething family man; and Daryl, the heavyset local drunk/thug-for-hire.  It’s sure to be an upbeat, family-friendly romp.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 13 2011

#336 – A sickening realization

A sickening realizationIt finally happened.  With only a month to go in the Sketch 365 project, I just plain forgot one.  This is the sketch for February 13, but it was actually done on the 14th, after I woke up and immediately realized that I’d missed my sketch from the day before.  I thought for a second about just doing an extra sketch and pretending it was from the 13th, but for some reason I couldn’t do it.  So I went ahead with this creepy big-eyed representation of my early morning pseudo-horror.  Actually, I’m kind of surprised this didn’t happen sooner (since I had almost forgotten so many times).  I’m definitely bummed that I turned this one in late, but at least it’s still going to be Sketch 365.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 10 2011

#333 – Trouble brewing

Siegfried & the dragonAnother unusual assignment from storyboarding class.  We were required to illustrate a specific scene from Richard Wagner’s Nibelungen saga.  Here, Siegfried sets out from his castle on a journey that will, before long, put him at odds with a dragon.  It’s an unusual topic for me, and probably chosen by the instructor because the story would likely be unfamiliar to us.  It’s certainly foreign to me — both the story, and the whole notion of doing fantasy art.  Not the kind of thing I would ever draw of my own choosing, but still an interesting assignment.  I’ll probably be working on a refinement of this scene, so critique is encouraged.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 9 2011

#332 – Seconds to Spare!

Seconds to spare!So here’s the full story behind yesterday’s sketch.  The assignment was to create a storyboard of about 15 frames to tell the story of my trip from home to school.  The instructor said that if it wasn’t a particularly dramatic story, we were free to embellish a little.  That was all the permission I needed.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 8 2011

#331 – Spoiler alert!

Seconds to spare - final frameAnother little project for class: this is the final frame of a little storyboard I’m working on.  More on this tomorrow!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 3 2011

#326 – Inching closer

People in environments 5Part 5 — finishing up the assignment for class.  (Rewind to Sketch #322 to see the whole set.)  Again, it looks like the idea generation was not happening in a vacuum: there seems to be a lot of linkages among these as well.

So anyway, there’s 30 under the belt.  Hey, I just got that much closer to my 10,000 drawings!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 2 2011

#325 – Picking up the pace

People in environments 4Part 4 of the 30 “people in environments” sketches for class.  I realized I needed to pick up the pace if I’m to have these done by next class.  Again, an odd assortment of ideas.  Many of these spun off of conversation topics with a few friends at happy hour.  And for several others, I have no idea (cemetary? farm workers? bird fancier? chin-up struggle?).  Brains are weird.

[Comments and critique always welcome]