Nov 23 2010

#254 – Tonka truck

Toyota FJ CruiserMy friend from yesterday’s sketch was actually admitted to the hospital for surgery.  Thankfully it went well, but since he was drugged up with a dead arm, I went by the hospital and picked up his car for him.  For better or worse, it’s the absolute opposite of what I’m used to driving.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 22 2010

#253 – Live Long and Prosper

Makeshift vulcan…or at least try not to break any more fingers.  Just a friendly piece of advice for my workmate, who is now a makeshift Vulcan.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 20 2010

#251 – Life of the party

3D glassesI did a series of very quick sketches inspired by random Flickr images this evening.  This was one of the simplest, but I like it better than the others.  It’s a variation on this photo.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 19 2010

#250 – Eyes Without A Face

B/W eyesI saw this great photo online today, and decided to do something simple inspired by it.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 17 2010

#248 – Useless wranglings

PunditSaw a bunch of political pundits on TV this evening.  Such a pointless charade.  Anyway, this started out based on a photo of James Carville, but as you can see, I pretty much abandoned any effort to make it actually look like him.  So now it’s just “generic angry bald guy.”

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 16 2010

#247 – In a slump

SlumpDropped in at another figure drawing workshop for a while this evening.  I’m so rusty though, that all my drawings were really weak.  Of all the model’s poses, this one seemed to fit best.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 15 2010

#246 – Homegrown habañeros

HabañeroJust as I was trying to come up with something to draw, I heard from a friend offering to bring homegrown habañeros from Texas.  I signed right up — and got out the charcoal pencil for a quick sketch.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 14 2010

#245 – “I’ll trade with anyone who has a Jacuzzi!”

JaniceSo this drawing barely got started before I was literally falling asleep at the page.  I couldn’t keep my eyes open long enough to do anything other than the initial lay-in shown here.  If you can identify it, I’ll be most impressed.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 13 2010

#244 – Park Place

AllendaleWe’re babysitting my niece and nephew this weekend, so today I took them to the park down the street.  A nice, relaxing morning.  I sat and sketched this while they were looking in the bushes for treasure.  As I finished, I discovered that my 4-year-old nephew had been working on a cocktail of sorts.  His found ingredients, combined in a discarded pudding cup: water, leaves, dirt, a small rock, some dried up olives, and a metal screw.  I resolved to be more attentive.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Nov 12 2010

#243 – En garde

FencingSaw a great collection of photos today from the 2010 World Fencing Championships.  I thought the energy in the poses was really cool, so I started doing really basic versions of them for practice.  As I drew more and more of them, I decided to arrange them into a basic narrative.  (Sketches are based on Reuters and AFP photos by Jacky Naegelen, Franck Fife, Bertrand Langlois and Francois Mori — all available here.)

[Comments and critique always welcome]