Nov 1 2010

#232 – Road-almost-kill

ScreechAs I was heading in to work today, I rounded a corner and suddenly met a yappy little dog making a bee-line for my front wheel.  It’s lucky it wasn’t a cat, or I might not have been motivated to be quite so responsive with the brakes.  (Kidding!  Sort of!)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 30 2010

#230 – Completion pending

Completion pendingWent over to my cousins’ place tonight to watch the USC/Oregon game — the outcome of which does not need to be discussed here.  Suffice it to say, we had some excellent enchiladas, and that’s all that matters.

(Full credit: this sketch is based on a photo found here.)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 27 2010

#227 – Spartacus Shatner

Guitar jumpJust wanted to do a quick figure study this evening, since I hadn’t done one in a long time.  So I headed to Flickr and found this amazing photo by user Ryan Muir.  I just scribbled a quick and basic figure study, but seriously, check out the original photo — it’s incredible.

Oh, and as for my sketch title, it’s just a little inversion based on the following discovery: I learned that the guy in the photo (the guitarist for The Roots) goes by the excellent name “Cap’n Kirk Douglas.”  His definitely has a better ring to it.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 22 2010

#222 – Sartorial Splendor

Alex & VelvetAlways a party when these two show up.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 18 2010

#218 – Art for art’s sake

Art for art's sakeI’m often amused by art that for no apparent reason just takes a human form and transposes some unexpected object in place of the head.  So I thought I would stop by Flickr and let their random photo picker come up with the ingredients for just such a piece.  And thus was born the first member of the fearsome North Korean Baby Alpaca Regiment of Genetic Superwarriors.

(Sources are here and here.)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 15 2010

#215 – Cut your losses

EdselSo this was just based on a random photo I found on Flickr.  Had a bit of trouble with the figure in this drawing.  I kept erasing bits, modifying the proportions and so on, but it kept not working right.  Eventually, I realized I had to erase her completely and start again from scratch.  How appropriate, it then seemed, that she should be standing in front of an Edsel…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 14 2010

#214 – Heracles Hulme

StrongmanWent to the gym for about 45 mins today.  So now I pretty much look like this.

And yes, I will be entertaining offers from any reputable sideshow organizers.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 12 2010

#212 – Enter Manxman

Enter ManxmanOn the Isle on Man, they are bred for one thing and one thing only:  rock.

(Based on a photo by the great Jen Glen.)

[Comment and critique always welcome]

Oct 6 2010

#206 – Built for Speed(o)

Starting blockJust renewed my membership at the Caltech gym, in the hopes of exercising (and especially swimming) more in the year to come.  And of course, thinking about getting back in the pool was reminding me of my high school swim team days.  But not to worry, fellow pool-goers:  I won’t be going back to the miniscule Speedo.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Oct 4 2010

#204 – The Pitiful Commuter

Parapluie bicycletteIt wasn’t raining when I rode my bike into work.  Not so at quitting time.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

(P.S. No, I didn’t actually do this.  I left the bike and hopped on the bus.)