Sep 7 2010

#177 – Duplo duplex

Duplo duplexSo my friend and former workmate Stephenie was kind enough to leave behind a box of Duplo at work.  I figured it was time to build something and do a quick sketch of it.  So what to build with a limited amount of Duplo?  Well, this is what you get when you let the wordplay dictate the design process: a pretty ugly “Duplo duplex” (complete with cubist palm tree in the front yard)!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Sep 6 2010

#176 – Must…resist…puerile…jokes…

ThroneDepending who you ask, this drumming accessory is either called a “stool” or a “throne.”  Either way, the possibilities for bathroom humor are torturing my inner 11-year-old.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Sep 4 2010

#174 – Life in a single strand

Continuous line plantTried something new this evening: drawing with a single, continuous pen line.  Interesting effect — and I think it kinda works here (but mainly because the subject is a pretty forgiving organic shape).

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 31 2010

#170 – Cassetteworxx


That’s right.  Straight up C-120 style for non-stop partyin’.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 25 2010

#164 – The catwalk

LionessI’ve decided I need to figure out how to draw with fine line pen.  The answer: not quite like this.  But I’ll figure it out.

(Oh, and for the curious, this is drawn based on a small sculpture from Zimbabwe.)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 24 2010

#163 – The Reel Thing

Sony BVH2000Today at work, I spent a few minutes in the TV studio making some HD dubs.  Not far from those machines is this almost-forgotten beast from back before I was born. (Sorry, Jon Hicks, if you’re reading this!)

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 22 2010

#161 – This should come as no surprise…

LEGO box…but this is what stores my LEGO.  Growing up, we had a couple of tackle boxes like these packed with bricks.  My brother hung onto those, so I finally got around to buying a couple myself for the LEGO I have.  And yes, I know it’s a little reminiscent of “Gene, The Anal Retentive Carpenter” — but hey, it beats shoving it all in a giant trashbag (ahem, childhood Kelly).

What’s that?  You don’t remember that classic Phil Hartman bit?  Well, here for a limited time is one of the related sketches. Enjoy.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 19 2010

#158 – The low end

BassKinda surprised it took this long for this to show up in a sketch.  It’s a bargain basement cheapie, but it does the job.  Maybe if I played it more though, I could “outgrow” it and upgrade.  Okay, so nobody tell my wife about this little scheme…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Aug 18 2010

#157 – LEQO is not a word

LeqoFound this little guy in a bag of old LEGO that my wife brought into the family.  He interfaces with LEGO, but he doesn’t look like quite at home.  I’m thinking he’s a cunning imposter.  Probably something like “LEQO” brand.  Kinda like those running shoes I once saw at an Israeli street market — they had all the hottest brands, including Nyke, Adibas and Reobok.

[Comments and critique always welcome.]

Aug 16 2010

#155 – LEGO is its own plural

Robotic armI know, I know — this is about the weakest sketch that I’ve posted.  I was really busy today finishing up a digital illustration/product design assignment.  I’ve been creating a design for a LEGO toy of the Mars rover from Sketch #148.  This sketch was just a really quick utilitarian attempt to figure out  a way to build a basic version of the robotic arm out of LEGO.  Which brings me to the title of this post.  I built this thing out of LEGO.  Not “LEGOs.”  Good day sir.

[Comments and critique always welcome]