Mar 12 2011

#363 – Express yourself

ExpressionsThis week, I have a sketchbook assignment in class to draw a bunch of different facial expressions.  These were some quickly scribbled ideas for that.

This gives me an idea.  Please, someone out there: do me a great amusement and and take up the challenge of snapping photos of yourself making these faces.  That’s all I ask.  Just take 25 pictures of yourself looking like a weirdo and send them to me.  It is a simple (if bizarre) request.  If you have enjoyed at least 25 of this year’s sketches, here’s your chance to return the favor.  I anxiously await your contributions!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Mar 10 2011

#361 – Intrusion, pt. 2

Intrusion, pt. 2I’m still working on laying in tone on this storyboard assignment.  If you read the boards from yesterday, you can continue the story here.  In this installment, things kind of start going south for our protagonist.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Mar 9 2011

#360 – Intrusion, pt. 1

IntrusionBack to some class assignments: I’m now laying in some tone on some of the storyboard sketches you’ve seen earlier.  Here’s how the story begins.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Mar 6 2011

#357 – Shakespearean ghostwriters

MonkeysI went to the zoo today to do a bunch of observational sketches of animals.  After the flamingos, kangaroos, gorillas, giraffes, etc., I came upon these fellas, who promptly pulled out typewriters and started tapping away.  Weird.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 21 2011

#344 – Hope you enjoy your stay!

Charlie pushed into roomYet another frame from this storyboard assignment.  Sorry, but there are about 50 of these I have to do this week, and I haven’t had much time for other sketches.  Anyway, in the story flow, this one shortly follows Sketch #338.  Our drunk thug suddenly shoves the main character into the darkened motel room, where he promptly trips over the bullet-riddled body of the retired cop.  Nice people doing nice things.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 16 2011

#339 – A quick check

Charlie drivingStill working on the storyboard for class.  After yesterday’s sketch, we skip ahead in the story, conveniently glossing over the contents of the motel room.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 10 2011

#333 – Trouble brewing

Siegfried & the dragonAnother unusual assignment from storyboarding class.  We were required to illustrate a specific scene from Richard Wagner’s Nibelungen saga.  Here, Siegfried sets out from his castle on a journey that will, before long, put him at odds with a dragon.  It’s an unusual topic for me, and probably chosen by the instructor because the story would likely be unfamiliar to us.  It’s certainly foreign to me — both the story, and the whole notion of doing fantasy art.  Not the kind of thing I would ever draw of my own choosing, but still an interesting assignment.  I’ll probably be working on a refinement of this scene, so critique is encouraged.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 9 2011

#332 – Seconds to Spare!

Seconds to spare!So here’s the full story behind yesterday’s sketch.  The assignment was to create a storyboard of about 15 frames to tell the story of my trip from home to school.  The instructor said that if it wasn’t a particularly dramatic story, we were free to embellish a little.  That was all the permission I needed.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 8 2011

#331 – Spoiler alert!

Seconds to spare - final frameAnother little project for class: this is the final frame of a little storyboard I’m working on.  More on this tomorrow!

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Feb 7 2011

#330 – Life on wheels

Again, I’m continuing work on this collection of 30 vehicle sketches.  After drawing these four, I looked at them and realized they actually tell something of a life story.  Hopefully not mine.

Anyway, I did a bunch of other vehicles today as well — here’s the full set.

[Comments and critique always welcome]