Jul 21 2010

#129 – Biff! Pow! Sock!

Biff! Pow! Sock!Saw this photo of a couple of friends of mine and couldn’t resist it.   Not to worry, this fight is only about as serious as an Adam West/Cesar Romero matchup.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 20 2010

#128 – Shady characters

Shady characterI did a few different sketches today, and this one based on a magazine photo turned out the most normal (even if he does look a bit crazed).  The other three were:

1) a figure drawing workshop sketch of a guy who my wife said looked like he should be the front end of a centaur;
2) a different sketch from a magazine photo that ended up looking like an old man in a water polo cap; and
3) a weird little mistake that I’ve dubbed “Blackbeard del Giacomo.”

Somehow I can’t seem to resist sharing that last little bonus outtake.  If you can guess its backstory, you win a yet-to-be-determined-but-sure-to-be-amazing prize.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 19 2010

#127 – Need input

Rover eyesThis time, no redacted image!  Today at work, I was doing storyboards again for this future Mars mission — and here’s a frame I can actually show.  This is a made-up closeup of the rover’s main cameras, which sit on top of a rotating mast.  (In the real world, it would look something like this.)  What I’m trying to do in these storyboards is to give a little bit of personality to this robot.  And hey, if you’re gonna do that, why not borrow from one of the classics?

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 18 2010

#126 – The loneliest carnivore

T-RexTonight was the closest I came to missing a day of sketching.  Somehow it had just slipped my mind.  Every light in the house was off, and I was headed to bed when it struck me.  So I went back to the desk for a quick sketch, and here’s what I ended up with.  I have to say, it’s certainly unique among the sketches so far…

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 17 2010

#125 – El león

PedroFound this guy a few years back, either at a garage sale, or a thrift store or something.  All I remember is that I had to get him because the character design was so cool.  The actual toy is much cooler than the drawing; I love the fabric and color choices.  (Here he is in real life, for comparison.)  Somewhere along the way, I decided he looked like a Pedro — and the name stuck.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 16 2010

#124 – Architecture of the mind

MazeJuly 16: the long-awaiting opening day of “Inception.”  After seeing the 10 a.m. showing, my wife and I were talking about it all day.  I suppose it’s not surprising then, that at the end of the day, this is the sketch that came out of my brain.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 15 2010

#123 – “Stick” figure

Stick figureI was having a really off day at figure drawing.  I only caught the tail end of today’s workshop, so I missed the brief warm-up poses at the beginning.  So after I botched a few drawings, there were only a few minutes left, and the guy running the workshop had the model do a bunch of quick 60-second gestural poses.  It’s definitely where I should have started.  Not that these are great — it’s just that they’re necessary.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 14 2010

#122 – Breathing rarefied air

Proud blue womanAnother sketch from a figure drawing workshop.  The angle I was viewing from made for big nostrils and a very snooty-looking pose.  Also, there’s a lot of stray marks on this one from the setup and refinement process.  But of the three sketches I did of this model, one looked like Frida Kahlo, one looked like a manly Aztec, and then this was the third.  I think it’ll do for today.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 13 2010

#121 – Oops, I Did It Again.

Another redacted roverI’ve been sketching a lot of these storyboard illustrations at work, and so I figured I could just use one of them for the daily post.  Unfortunately, I realized that the rover pictured here is also based on some drawings that may or may not be public.  I did several of these today, but nothing else, so a redacted version will have to do.

P.S. Sorry to “play with your heart,” get “lost in the game,” etc.

[Comments and critique always welcome]

Jul 12 2010

#120 – Tools of the trade

Tools of the tradeI was working on some more digital illustrations today; these are just a few of the things I always have around.

[Comments and critique always welcome]